Hand type: All Our Little Boxes
Album art for Mim Crellin's 'All Our Little Boxes'. She is lying on a linen bedspread with a bold orange and pink pattern, and her dress is made of the same fabric. One hand is outstretched to hold a hand of someone out-of-shot.





Saturday, FEB 8

Mim Crellin & Morten Duun

Adelaide, SA


Thanks to CityMag Adelaide for including me in their October roundup of Adelaide's best new music!
No one wants to hear another word about COVID, but you will want to hear Mim Crellin sing about it. ‘Early Pennsylvania’, the first song off her album All Our Little Boxes, was written during the pandemic but it’s far from miserable. Mim’s voice is sweet but it glides and twirls hand in hand with the music and jazz smoothness. She sounds like Maria from The Sound of Music, if she was in a quiet and comfy 1920s Paris night club frequented only by happy couples.
—William Barker, CityMag